oh.. maybe far, far and away kot.. thanks nad 4 d announcement - abt me going to mrsm pc... sangat sedih kot..i cant hold my tears anymore hari jumaat aritue.. nangis sampai nad cakap mata gile merah.. haha, yeah, thats me, sort of emotional madihah n im not moody anymore.. huhu... im not ready to leave you guys.. 3 years were the most wonderful moments in my life... we eat , laugh, joke, lepak, learn, play n even cry together.. a day at scool - abt 10 hours, one week - 70 hours, one month - 280 hours, so what about 3 years??? we spent so much time together, sharing secret sudah menjadi satu kepastian.. *nak nangis*.. n we never forget abt husna.. pergi strawberry pon mesti ade satu kerusi kosong, specially for husna.. huhu.. guys, tq for lending me a shoulder when im sad, tq for being a wonderful torchlight to me when im alone, tq for everything, tak terkata..
u r a great person, i seldom see u sad, u always laugh n full of cheers.. u must always grab the opportunities around u, i know u can do it!! chaiyok!! n sori sebab selalu cubit awak.. hehe... n rajin2 la belajar bahasa arab tu yek, i know u can do it eventhough susah..
awak jangan melancholy lagi taw!! i know sometimes u felt that ur always alone n empty, but u must always remember that we are here for you.. awak nanti kenelah decide something lepas fikir panjang taw!! follow ur heart, dont follow the others..
huhu.. yeah, not much to say abt u.. u have a great personality that makes everyone would want to know u better.. so, dont change urself.. juz be nadiah bs, our nad, medon, huhu .. makan banyak sikit kat asrama, jangan nanti kurus sangat, tak comey!!
Jelita oh jelita.. I love to be ur friend, very funny sometimes, selambe jek.. n what i like u the most is that u always be urself n do whatever u want.. N im hoping that awak dapat masok pc, same cam saya!! hehe..
Well, the conclusion is - i really truly love u guys like shera n nad..
1 comment:
at last,
madi post sumthg...
take care ok!
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