not talking much today..
xdek mood..
The picture explains everything..
i have no word to explain how i feel..
It's been 3 years..at last, it ended..
get out from my life, PLEASE...
I don't want to know anything about you anymore..
Cukup la selama ni..
I've given up..I surrender..
And I know that it's time to sacrifice..
Life needs a lot of sacrifice rite?
Thanks for always be there for me all this while..
I appreciate that so much..
You're irreplaceable..
And to you the lucky person, be grateful..you've won the battle, girl..it's not an easy job..
*although the picture looks like a lollipop, but you know what it is rite..haha
p/s : semoga anda berdua berbahagia
alolo..kita snasib kawan!! nad,madi n husna pon.. kite semua mmg snasib! =(
sabar ok...
Asifa says..
AFIQAH: haha..memang2..sehati sejiwa yekk..hee
ANONYMOUS : thanks..cop2, ni sape? hee
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