Salam everybody..
Just a short update from me today. Just updating our activity for this week. So, actually we will be celebrating our Teachers' Day this Saturday, yea I know its already a bit late to celebrate, but its never too late right. haha. Since we were busy with our exam and many other things, so the school has decided to celebrate it this coming 27th June.
But unfortunately, tomorrow, which is on Friday, Afiqah and I and a few more students from our class will be going for a camp in Pekan. So we won't be there in school during the celebration. At first, it was hard for me to make the decision to join the camp since I'm incharge with the Teachers' Day thingy. But when I think it back, I think I'd better join the camp since my family won't be around in Kuantan this weekend, so I have no place to stay. So if I join the camp, at least I have a place to sleep right. haha.
So, me and Afiqah are quite looking forward for the camp. Haha. It sounds good, since it will be held at a beach resort, not a camping site and there will be only 60 participants from 3 schools. Like Afiqah said, "tak sabar nak gi holiday tepi pantai". haha! Just pray for us that everything will be fine, ok? I'll update about the camp as soon as I come back on Sunday, Insya-Allah.
p/s : Madi, Husna and Nadiah! I miss you guys so much!
knape sy tidak dijemput utk camp tu?
sy suke ape jaga alm sekitar...
3 skolah je dijemput..
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