hey guys..whats up?
Maknae Affey in da house yaw! ^^
last tuesday,our BI teacher asked us to write an essay about "What makes me happy..."
but day that,jannah n i were absent
meanwhile Asifa went to UMP
so,Sya is alone.. sorry Sya!
so,this is the essay Aiysha wrote:
What makes me happy...?
When i wake up every morning, I start to talk to myself... wonder how to spend the day, hot to cope with all the difficult subjects, and other small little things that other people do not care about. As I walk to the class, I see people talk to each other, laughing and giggling... they seem so happy! I wonder what makes them so happy? And what makes me happy? Frankly speaking, I do not really know what makes me happy. If I passed the exam with flying colours, i felt relieved... I am not a loser anymore. If I won a competition, I felt slightly happy but... hey, it is just a luck!
In the class, the three of us, Aiysha, Afiqah and Asifa are the three girls who always talk loudly, laugh like no others in this world. I can say that most of the teachers who teach us say that we are too noisy. Then, we start to talk slower but it just ends for one day! The next day, we start to talk like always. This is the way we are. “Girls at the back, please slow down your voices!”, “you are so noisy, what’s so funny?” and “Can you stop laughing like that? You are girls!”, now, we are all get used to those sentences.
Although we speak and laugh much louder than our classmates, but deep inside our heart, we are still the same. I am an ordinary teenager who always seeks for happiness. Finally, i realize when I am with these two amazing and happy-go-lucky friends, I feel so happy. They make my life more cheerful and they teach me how to be a person who appreciates every second of life.
I know most of the teachers don’t really like our attitudes but when we laugh during the lessons, that don’t mean we do not listen to the teachers. We still do but we need a little break. For instance, learning additional mathematics without laughing or some chat can makes me feel sleepy. Laughing while doing my works is better than sleeping in the class, right? I am sure having wonderful friends who can listen to all my problems, laugh and cry with me and hold my and if i lost are more than enough to make me happy.
Ayesha Aiman
to my surprise,she wrote about us in the essay..
oh my,terharu gile kot..
the time i read the essay, my heart felt like stop beating.
how grateful i am to have a friend like you!
i just wanna tell you that i'm very lucky to know a great friend like you
to have someone like you to chat and laughing with,
is like a gift to me.
eventhough i wont say it,
but deep inside,i feel so happy when you laugh to my cold jokes,
when other ppl just have the whatsoever expression ^^
its more than enough to me
Little Bears,Fighting! TBL,TBG!
Asifa,Ayesha,Jane, I love you,little bears!!
54F,I love you guys so much too
You guys are totally my treasure ^^
(rase nak menangis pulak..hahaha)
p/s: ayesha,kalau dah bace,komen lahh ^^
Emotional Maknae Affey =]
Maknae Affey in da house yaw! ^^
last tuesday,our BI teacher asked us to write an essay about "What makes me happy..."
but day that,jannah n i were absent
meanwhile Asifa went to UMP
so,Sya is alone.. sorry Sya!
so,this is the essay Aiysha wrote:
What makes me happy...?
When i wake up every morning, I start to talk to myself... wonder how to spend the day, hot to cope with all the difficult subjects, and other small little things that other people do not care about. As I walk to the class, I see people talk to each other, laughing and giggling... they seem so happy! I wonder what makes them so happy? And what makes me happy? Frankly speaking, I do not really know what makes me happy. If I passed the exam with flying colours, i felt relieved... I am not a loser anymore. If I won a competition, I felt slightly happy but... hey, it is just a luck!
In the class, the three of us, Aiysha, Afiqah and Asifa are the three girls who always talk loudly, laugh like no others in this world. I can say that most of the teachers who teach us say that we are too noisy. Then, we start to talk slower but it just ends for one day! The next day, we start to talk like always. This is the way we are. “Girls at the back, please slow down your voices!”, “you are so noisy, what’s so funny?” and “Can you stop laughing like that? You are girls!”, now, we are all get used to those sentences.
Although we speak and laugh much louder than our classmates, but deep inside our heart, we are still the same. I am an ordinary teenager who always seeks for happiness. Finally, i realize when I am with these two amazing and happy-go-lucky friends, I feel so happy. They make my life more cheerful and they teach me how to be a person who appreciates every second of life.
I know most of the teachers don’t really like our attitudes but when we laugh during the lessons, that don’t mean we do not listen to the teachers. We still do but we need a little break. For instance, learning additional mathematics without laughing or some chat can makes me feel sleepy. Laughing while doing my works is better than sleeping in the class, right? I am sure having wonderful friends who can listen to all my problems, laugh and cry with me and hold my and if i lost are more than enough to make me happy.
Ayesha Aiman
to my surprise,she wrote about us in the essay..
oh my,terharu gile kot..
the time i read the essay, my heart felt like stop beating.
how grateful i am to have a friend like you!
i just wanna tell you that i'm very lucky to know a great friend like you
to have someone like you to chat and laughing with,
is like a gift to me.
eventhough i wont say it,
but deep inside,i feel so happy when you laugh to my cold jokes,
when other ppl just have the whatsoever expression ^^
its more than enough to me
Little Bears,Fighting! TBL,TBG!
Asifa,Ayesha,Jane, I love you,little bears!!
54F,I love you guys so much too
You guys are totally my treasure ^^
(rase nak menangis pulak..hahaha)
p/s: ayesha,kalau dah bace,komen lahh ^^
Emotional Maknae Affey =]
omg afiqah!!
sy sgt terharu kot..
ble sy bace post awk ni..
rase cam...cam ape ek..
terharu la..x terkata dah..
tp knp la post essay sy tu..
grammar pon tunggang langgang kot..
hidop little bears! haha
haha..saya tulis kat microsoft dulu..
so,grammar mistakes sume dah dibetulkan ^^
hidop little capsicums!!
little capsicums sangat comel ok! haha..
i love you guys too..;-)
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