
Back 2 school, guys!

well, one week seems soo short..
and as everyone 'love', BACK TO SCHOOL!

and i would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone,
ALL THE BEST for your examinations! (eventhough sy x ready gle lg! heee)
especially for 54f, semua ada exam kan,
except for husna, idk..hehe..

hah, frankly speaking, ambo lgsung x ready gle lg!!
study ntah ke mane cuti ni..hehe..
and i know, fiqah ngan nadiah pun same! haha..
bak kata, "dah memang tradisi kite"...hahahha
except for madi la..=)

and another thing, this coming Wednesday, which is the 25th of March,
nadiah and me masuk the Asean Quiz..
but we are from different school, different state, of course..
but please pray for our success yehh..

owh ya, and i found out something very sad, very bad..
i've totally given up! bongokk punye minah!! heeeeee...
*minah tu bukan aminah ye, aminah jgn terasa..haha

OK la, all the best guys!

Bdk takut exam + bengang,

1 comment:

nadiahbs said...

mengade lah.
awk x penah pon cite pape kat sy psl minah tu!
minah mane?
nanti sy call awk.
and u must tell me!