

i really miss u guys.. seriously.. its so hard to find someone like u guys.. haha, but there's a girl from jerantut and selangor, they're really nice.. haha.. asifa, come on.. at least ur luckier than me!! i dont even know his spm result!! which i really want to know!!! life is like that, sometimes its hard to get what you like... like me.. but u still have us!! i mean, us, 54f!! we never leave u.. ala, entah2 benda towh x betul pon.. die saje je ke.. anyway, afiqah!! congratz! saya berbangga kerana kawan saya masuk KAWAD!! wahahha... bwat elok2 taw.. mek klate!! thanks 4 de visit.. seriyes hepi gile aritue.. macam x jpe 2 taon.. nadiah lak, ley jpe kat uma.. ehh kawan2!! saya dah berpindah!! anda dijemput datang yer!!!

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