

Salam everybody..

Just for the sake of updating this blog, here are some dedications for some of you..

DINA the birthday girl
(hope u're reading this)

Happy belated dear! Sehari je lambat, jangan marah ye..hehe..pape pun, saye still ingt. Thanks to Aiysha jugak for reminding! =) actually saye nak tulis semalam, tapi tak sempat lahh. Banyak homework. Letih btl. Semoga happy always and succeed in whatever you're doing. Jangan tension2 sgt kat sesta tu yeh. N, jgn lupe saye! haha. I know you won't. Just for the sake of reminding. Owh ya! One more thing, semoga b'bhagia ngan 'bukan warganegara' tu yeh. Kalau ada jodoh, ada la, Dina. Don't worry too much. hahaha. K Dina, I love you!

AIYSHA my new classmate (for this year lah)

Saye happy sgt awk at last masuk kelas j! Seriously, lepas korang masuk, at least dapat rase mcm 3J dulu eventhough sikit la. hee. walaupun tak tipu memang rindu gle 3J, tapi at least ex-3J dah menjadi kaum majority kelas tu kan banding ngan budak skolah lain. haha. So kire ok la. And, pas awak masuk, at last I got my laughters back. Not forgetting afiqah too. haha. Ketawa sampai sakit perut. Habis control dah takut kelas bising. heee. Thank you so much! And, don't miss him too much! saye ade. saya memahami lagi merasai. hahaha. Afiqah pun satu geng. Sehati sejiwa. (ayat orang hampe) =)

MADI the drama queen

haha. jangan marah ngan gelaran tu! It suits you. Since awak tengah bertanding drama kan? Semoga awak berjaya yeh! I can't believe u're acting! hahaha. But I know you can! Chaiyok madi! Cume jangan ketawa sampai nak nangis atas stage tu sudahh. hahaha. Btw, I miss you! Eh, dah ada no celcom, ngape tak gune?! Msg la selalu. Ke dah lupe kawan? Sampai ati!

HUSNA the nomad

jgn mrh geng! nanti cepat tua. haha. All the best for your 'new life' in mrsm! And, selamat blaja bio jugak! haha. Bio is fun. kalau rajin bace and hafal la. haha. but don't worry too much, u can do it. Seriously, anda cerdik! dah msk mrsm nanti, jgn x reply msg sy plak. awk dah bejanji to try very best to reply kan. haha. poyo ayat. And, kalau nak dtg kuantan lagi nanti, bgtau tau! Thanks for always be there for me especially mase sy tgh down gle! Lenguh tgn sy kalau msg ngan awak. hee. Thanks jugakk for your 'advices' and segala benda la weh! =)

AFIQAH the laughing bug

you got your laughters back macam form 3 dulu. dan saye pun happy gle awk cm tu. haha. Eventhough I know ada budak kelas kite yang annoyed ngan kte sometimes because bising sgt, tapi x pe la. Kte dah mmg mcm tu, nak buat cane. hee. Selamat jadi pengawas! cop2, pengawas percubaan baru kann. haha. btw, jgn mengada2 pukul saye banyak2 kali lagi pas ni yeh. tolong lahh, sakit gle kot awk pukul saye. nothing much nak ckp, jumpe tiap2 hari kot.

NADIAH si olahragawati berjaye

I miss you! Call la slalu. saye xtau macam mane nak contact awk. I hope you are always happy in sesta. Study hard dear! And jangan pikir sangat pasal gelgil tu. Die memang mcm tu. Kan dari dulu kitaorang dah cakap lupekan die. But I know it's not that easy. Tp dah la, jgn suke die dah! hahaha. Awak kan ada satu fan club. So x yah risau la. hee. Anything nak suruh saye beli lagi, call la yeh. =) Ble nak balik ktn?

Owh ya, one more thing, smartniaga will be held on the 10th of May. Skali dengan Smart Gemilang. Korang, datang tau! Best gile kalau 54f dapat berkumpul balik. Bukan selalu dapat kumpul 5 5 orang. And, I miss you guys!

p/s : Birthday saye 29 ni. Jgn lupe! haha. But I might not be here in Kuantan during my birthday. I'll be somewhere in Malaysia for a camp. *sob sob

p/s p/s : I was very happy to see you smile! At last, kerinduan terubat. hahaha =)



Anonymous said...

insyaAllah xlupe...

Afiqah Anwar said...

dinn..happy birthday!! ily!!muah!! =)

nadiahbs said...


9-11 may sy pegi pulau kapas!!!

sy nk pegi smartniaga!

cane ni??!!!