To Asifa,
She is somebody who never boasts about whatever she has eventhough she has everything. A really down-to-earth person and thats what I love about her! Thanks for always being there for me, especially when it comes to listening to my probs and bagi pendapat yang munasabah. It was a pleasant 3 years with you and as well as the others in SMART. I'm proud to leave a "legacy" of 54f in SMART. I'll always miss your cheeky smile ^^
To Madi,
You're the kind of girl who says "Its okay, everything's gonna be alright" kepada orang yang sedang dlm kesusahan. Thats the one of many things I love about u. Its really comforting to ask your opinions or advice because its always "everything's gonna be alright" for u. Walaupun sometimes I know "everything will never be alright again" haha. Thanks for everything ! Thanks for teaching me Maths, thanks for helping me with my homeworks! You have a heart of gold and you gotta keep going up and up and never stop ok? I'm glad you found new friends di MRSM PC. All the best over there my friend ! :D
To Nadiah,
Hahaha thinking of you is making me laugh already. A fun person to be with! Sentiasa ada jokes yang weird2 dalam otak. I miss the moments in 3J when we laughed like nobody's business over stupid jokes HAHAHA. Thanks for being funny. Thanks for being a wonderful friend! Thanks for rockin'! Keep doing well in sports and also in your studies. Enjoy your days with your new friends in SESTA. I'm happy for you :)
To Afiqah,
Never stop laughing! Your laugh really brightens the day. I miss your laugh! Dah lame tak dengar! Thanks for everything jugak my friend! Contact la, jangan tak contact tau? Nanti balik kampung kat KB lagi jangan datang senyap2, bitau la saye. At least boleh jumpe kan? Anyway, congrats sebab dpt jadi prefect! I know you'll do good in SMART. Good luck with everything! MMUAHHH!
I really wanna upload a photo of us tapi yeahh. First my PC crash aritu so mmg files dlm tu, gambar2 mase form 1 n form 2 sume hilang la kan. And then, my phone pulak hilang. So mmg nasib tidak menyebelahi la kan.
Anyway, I really wanna thank you guys for being such a wonderful set of friends I've ever met ! Wish me luck in MRSM. I hope I'll meet new friends yg syiokkk macam korg jugak kat sane! Jangan lupe saye tau? Contact la selalu. I LOVE YOU GUYS! I MISS YOU!
Husna the nomad
Husna the nomad
rindu giler kot kat awk.
nnt susah dh lah nk jumpe sbb awk dh dok asrama.
makin lama makin jauh dh 54F =(
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