

Mid-year exam is here!

There'll be lack of updates or no updates at all after this. Argh! How I hate exams. For me, Afiqah and Nadiah, it has been a week. For Husna and Madi, their exam starts today. So for both of us who are still in Smart, we have sitted for 5 papers that are:

(12/5/09) - Arabic Language
(13/5/09) - Bahasa Melayu
(14/5/09) - English and History paper 1
(15/5/09) - Mathematics

But Afiqah didn't sit for Mathematics paper last Friday. She didn't come to school because she was having bad fever.

The other 5 subjects will be on next Tuesday until the other Tuesday. A week more to go. Then we'll be enjoying the holidays! Whatever it is, exam first. Haih. Pray for us guys!


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