

Holla semua.
First of all, I would like to thank everybody for wishing me. Thanks so much. No matter how. Calls, messages, friendster, myspace, face-to-face. I was so touched when unexpected people called me. Haha. Not to say unexpected la, but I didn't expect them to remember my birthday. Thanks so much, guys.

Moving on. Today is the smartniaga day. So tomorrow we'll not be schooling. But I still have to go to school for extra classes, arab and chemistry. And on Tuesday, the mid-year exam will start. Haih. I don't know how well I can answer. I have no confident. Seriously, because I am totally not prepared. Haish, haish, please pray for me. And as well as the other 5 4 f.

I spent the whole day with the other 5 4 f except for nadiah. She's in pulau kapas for kayak. We really wish u were here with us just now. But what to do kan. Owh ya! we took some pictures to make you jealous. haha.

Here are the pictures!

The 4 'fighters' without nadiah =)

Cik Wan Husna, aka mek Mrsm Besut

Cik Madihah, aka mek Mrsm Pengkalan Chepa

The only leftovers at smart, cik afiqah and cik asifa

3J 2008 in memory. Argh, how i miss you guys!

It's really good to meet you guys back. But still, not all of us manage to come. Some is still the same but some has changed. I wonder if we meet again in 5 years time, everybody will be different I guess. But the sweet memory will always remain in my heart. Ceh. haha.

I think I'd better end here. I don't know what else to write. huhu. Please pray for me for my exam! Bye..



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