
The end of a tough year

This post is specially dedicated to Nadiah, Husna and Madi.

Tomorrow is a new year guys!

SPM 2010 candidates, be prepared! Kite lah tu kan..haha..setahun dah kita berpisah and banyak sangat benda dah pun terjadi..we were not together anymore, but we still love each other rite? no matter where we are ;-)

actually banyak sangat benda saya nak share dengan korang, husna, nadiah, madi, everything. tapi bila saya fikir balik, tak sesuai lah pulak nak tulis kat sini kan. since this is a public, not a private blog, i don't feel free to write here. With all sorts of people reading, i chose to remain silent. kadang2 tu saya dah type dkt blog, tapi saya delete, memikirkan any other possibilities that could happen.You guys know what i mean.

Distance make us apart. We dont want that to happen kan, that's why we created this blog, for us to share everything we experienced. But now it seems different. You guys know what, maybe korang tak rase, sebab korang duduk kat sekolah lain, sekolah baru. Tapi (bukan nak perasan ok) lately ni, saya dapat tau ramai jugak org bce blog ni. SERIOUSLY bukan nak perasan, tapi mcm sy ckp tadi, tujuan asal sebenar blog ni ditubuhkan dah berubah. Ni ada cth 3 incident yang berlaku as a prove :

Saya n afiqah gi bukak internet kat cc. Then dekat history ataaas skali komputer tu adelah "kawanbaik54f.blogspot.com". Kitaorang terkejut, seriously. Pastu afiqah kate "bongok, sapelah gi bace blog kite". Then kitaorg gelak gelak.

Ada lah sorang ni, saya kenal dia, tapi langsung tak rapat. Satu hari dia cakap "Asifa update la blog korang tu. Dah lama blog tu x update". Then saya mcm, "ko BACA?"

"Asifa, cane result exam hari tu? Busynye masa final tu". "Ha? Ape ni? Mane tau?" "Bace blog".

Adoi. Kadang-kadang saya rasa macam tak bebas. Hari tu saya ada terpikir, nak buat private blog, tp memikirkan, sape je lahh nak bace kan, so saya lupekan hasrat tu. haha, sangat menyedihkan kan. since korang pun dah nak balik asrama kan. so tak pelah, like i said, maybe silence is better. =(

Anywayy, Happy New Year! Wishing you guys all the best for this coming 2010! =) And for the readers, doakan kami berjaya dalam SPM this year!


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